ghost image

Ghost Children: Brothers and Sisters of ADHD Children Non-ADHD Brothers and Sisters Become “Ghost-like” in the Family

Anyone who spends time with ADHD children knows the excessive talking, impulsivity, and strong emotional expressions so characteristic of these young ones. Even though we know that ADHD results from less effective operation of brain mechanisms, parents find it hard sometimes to handle these behaviors. In families, ADHD results in a different life experience for…

brain of a developing child

5 Focus Exercises for ADHD Kids

ADHD is a “brain difference.” Kids with ADHD have some significant differences in their cognitive ability, emotional sensitivity and activity level when compared to other children. What this means is that their “skill set” is different from 95% of the children in their class. Their working memory is often not as well-developed as it might be in other…

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Kids, TV, and ADHD

The more television a child watches between the ages of 1 and 3, the greater his or her likelihood of developing attention problems by age 7. So how can you control TV watching in your house? A recently completed study at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle indicated that for every hour a…