At Learning and Behavior Center, our ABA services are designed to improve socially significant behaviors such as reading, academics, social skills, communication, and adaptive living skill like motor skills, eating and food preparation, toileting, dressing, personal self-care, domestic skills, time and punctuality, money value and its applications, and home and community orientation.

What Is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Behavior Analysis is the scientific study of behavior. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) applies the principles of learning and motivation from Behavior Analysis and the procedures and technology derived from those principles to the solution of social significance problems. 

Over the past 40 years, several thousand published research studies have been documented the effectiveness of ABA across a wide range of:

  • Populations like children and adults with mental illness, developmental disabilities, and learning disorders
  • Interventionists such as pediatricians, parents, teachers, and paraprofessionals
  • Community settings like schools, homes, institutions, group homes, hospitals, and business offices
  • Behaviors including verbal behavior; social skills, academic skills, leisure, and functional life skills; Anti-learning behaviors including aggression, tantrums, gazing, fidgeting, non-compliance, fears and phobias, self-injury, oppositional and stereotyped behaviors

Applied behavior analysis systematically applies interventions based upon the principles of learning theory to improve socially significant behaviors to a meaningful degree and demonstrate that the interventions employed are responsible for the improvement in behavior. 

ABA focuses on the reliable measurement and objective evaluation of observable behavior. Vague or subjective terms such as ‘anger,’ ‘depression,’ ‘aggression,’ or ‘tantrums’ are redefined in observable and quantifiable terms, so their frequency, duration, or other measurable properties can be directly observed and recorded.

Methods Used Alongside Our ABA Services

Treatment approaches grounded in ABA are now considered to be at the forefront of therapeutic and educational interventions for children and adults with disabilities. But other methods can be effective.

Discrete Trial Training (DTT) is a particular ABA teaching strategy enabling the learner to acquire complex skills and behaviors by first mastering the subcomponents of the targeted skill. By utilizing teaching techniques based on behavior analysis principles, the learner is gradually able to complete all subcomponent skills independently. Once the individual components are acquired, they are linked together to enable mastery of the targeted complex and functional skill. This methodology effectively teaches verbal behavior such as basic and advanced communication, play, motor, and daily living skills.

Although the DTT methodology is an integral part of ABA-based programs, other teaching strategies based on behavior analysis principles, such as National Environment Training (NET), may be used to address these more complex skills. NET teaches skills in a more natural environment in a more playful manner. 

At LBC, all appropriate teaching approaches are based on the well-grounded principles of applied behavior analysis, education, and counseling:

  • Social Skills: Targeting language and interaction with peers. 
  • Generalization: Increasing learned skill generalization with other clinicians. 
  • School Readiness: Implementation of simulated classroom routines including group instruction, lining-up, circle-time, going to the restroom, and lunchtime. 
  • Training and Supervision: Increased interaction between the BCBA clinician and the individual.
  • Clinician Collaboration: Our clinicians implement collaboration amongst each other as a means of improving your loved one’s programs. 
  • Consistency of Services: Ensuring that our learners are engaged and learning at all times is paramount to us. We accomplish this by having skilled clinicians on-hand if a team member needs to request time off. 

Find the Treatment Necessary at Learning and Behavioral Center

Here at LBC, we embrace ABA as a means to treat autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) at our locations in greater Los Angeles, California, Knoxville, Tennessee, and our nationwide telehealth services. Call Learning and Behavioral Center today at 1.800.683.3522, or contact us online to learn how we can support you and your child.